as you can see the title of this post are the many ways to say goodbye. i thought i would take a moment and let everyone know that i'm going to gone a good bit over the next few weeks..i dont really have alot of time to tell about everything but i will explain my next 2 trips... i'm leaving for lakeland, florida in the morning for a leadership conference. its at southeastern university which is going to be fun. some really good speakers are going to be there...for example colin powell and jeb bush. so it should be good and its in florida so it cant be that bad:] right mom... i'm coming home saturday and then leaving monday for taiwan. If i havent told you yet taiwan we are pretty much going to be doing all outreach in high schools and campuses. we will be staying in a missionary based apt. complex 3 minutes from taiwan's largest university (where we will also be conducting programs).. In taiwan it's allowed to talk about God in the schools and campuses so thats a plus:] Also, there is a christian coffee shop that we will be at alot. This venue offers english classes as well so this will be a great place for witnessing opportunities because we have been told that the taiwanese people want to speak and practice english and what better subject to talk about than God, which is a plus for me b/c as ya'll know i can keep a conversation going for a long while since i kinda like to talk...ha. We have also been told that in Taiwan the people are very relational people so it is very likely there would probably be one person that we meet that we will connect with and that will be the one person that we will pour into for the 11days and for years to come hopefully. so thats neat:] Um, just some fun facts... they said it will take us approximately 23 hours & 42 minutes to get there:/ we will be landing in taipei, taiwan which is the capital and home of the tallest building in the WORLD. . . .which we will be visiting! but yeah i will post more later. i'm tired...anyways, anyone and everyone that reads this, please be praying for God to open up the hearts of the person that he wants us to connect with so that they will not see us but they will see the love, compassion and light of our incredible God. i love you all:]]] oh, and miss you brett...